• Sexual transmission
Man to Woman
Man to Man
Woman to Woman
• Prevention of
sexually transmitted HIV
Male condom
Female condom
Other barrier methods
• Minimizing the
risk of HIV infected blood transfusions
Selecting blood donors
Avoiding unnecessary or inappropriate blood transfusions
Creating a national blood transfusion service
Body organs and tissue transplantation
• Injecting drug
users and other skin piercing practices
drug users
Promoting use of sterile injecting equipment
• Other mood altering
• Principles and
strategies for prevention
• Questions for
reflection and discussion
• Introduction:
There are four
major sources of HIV infection:
transfusions of blood or blood products, or transplanted tissue
or organs obtained from HIV-infected donors,
using skin piercing instruments or injecting equipment that is contaminated
with HIV (Fact Sheet 1), and
transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, labour, or following
birth through breast feeding (Fact Sheet 10).
This Fact Sheet
will attend to prevention through sexual transmission, blood transfusions
and injecting drug use.
There is ample evidence globally that well-designed prevention programmes
can reduce the incidence of HIV. In societies where services and
programmes were in place before the epidemic, the creation of new
initiatives and the re-orientation of existing initiatives led to
a gradual decline in the incidence of HIV by the mid-1990's. A similar
trend is observed even in resource-poor settings, in part a result
of rigorous prevention efforts.
However, prevention is a very complex challenge. Some prevention
strategies need to be addressed at the greater society (or macro)
level, such as strengthening or changing government policies, modifying
laws, and enforcing new laws or human rights policies. Other prevention
strategies must address the behavioural, social and cultural context
(the micro level) of the individual. At both the macro and micro
level, policies, programmes and practices should address both harm
reduction and prevention of HIV.
At the macro level, governments and governing bodies have to be
aware of the magnitude of the HIV epidemic in their country, and
be mobilized to face this challenge. Nurses and midwives can play
an important role in promoting such awareness. However, it is at
the micro level, where behavioural, social and cultural influences
have the most affect on communities, families, and individuals,
that nurses and midwives can make the greatest contribution to HIV
prevention. Although HIV prevention and harm reduction have been
separated into challenges at the macro and micro level, in practice,
they are interdependent and closely related.
• Sexual transmission
The most common
form of HIV transmission (as well as other STD transmission) is
through sexual intercourse or through sexual contact with infected
blood, semen, or cervical and vaginal fluids transmitted from any
infected person to his/her sexual partner, whether it be man to
woman, man to man, or woman to woman, although the latter is less
likely. HIV transmission through sexual contact can occur vaginally,
orally, anally or rectally.
Man to woman transmission, usually from a single partner, is now
the most common form of HIV sexual transmission. Women (and to a
lesser extent men) who remain faithful in their partnership, contract
HIV when their partner has sexual contact with an HIV-infected person
outside (or before) their relationship. Although this is the most
common form of transmission, women still suffer more stigma, discrimination,
and isolation (Fact Sheet 6) than their male partners. As a result
there is often denial or a "conspiracy of silence." Acts of violence
may also be directed toward the woman (Fact Sheet 10). In addition,
other sexually transmitted diseases, which often go undiagnosed
in women, contribute to a higher rate of HIV transmission.
Man to man transmission (Men who have sex with men:
Unprotected penetrative anal sex carries a high risk of HIV transmission,
especially in the receptive partner. This risk is several times
higher than vaginal intercourse because the lining of the rectum
is thin and can easily tear, and even small lesions can allow the
virus easy access. Worldwide, a large percentage of MSM are married,
or have sex with women as well. These men often do not identify
themselves as homosexual or "gay." In addition, MSM is often stigmatized
or criminalized, and therefore there is difficulty in reaching these
men. The results are inadequate or inappropriate health care, and
health promotion/preventive programmes.
Woman to woman transmission
Transmission of HIV from woman to woman is less common than MSM
or heterosexual contact. However, the risk still remains. HIV transmission
can occur through rough sex play where the mucous membrane of the
external genitalia, vagina or cervix is torn. Also, if the woman
has an STD, the likelihood of HIV transmission is increased.
 |
Male condom (Credit: JHU/CCP) |
• Prevention of sexually
transmitted HIV
The safest form
of prevention of sexually transmitted HIV is abstinence. However,
in most instances, such practices are neither realistic nor desirable.
Barrier methods that prevent semen and other bodily fluids from
passing from one partner to another are the next most effective
preventive methods. These barrier methods also reduce the risk of
STDs, however, they also act as a contraceptive. Such barrier methods
include the male and female condom.
Male condom
The male condom is placed over the erect penis before penetration
occurs. The condom then remains on the penis until after ejaculation
when it should be immediately removed, knotted and discarded in
a safe place such as a toilet, latrine, or in a safe disposal unit.
It is vitally important that people are given accurate information
and an opportunity to practice using condoms. Information should
how to
place the condom on the erect penis, leaving space at the top to
receive the ejaculate,
how to unroll the condom down to the base of the penis,
how to ensure that the condom remains in place throughout intercourse,
how to remove the condom before the penis loses its erection.
It is important
to emphasize that individuals may practice using condoms on a model
or other object, such as a banana or cucumber. A new condom must
be used for each sexual act. Condoms should be easily accessible
for both men and women, and are best distributed in places where
a sense of privacy is increased and embarrassment is reduced. Wherever
possible, free condoms should be available.
Female condom
The female condom is a soft yet strong polyurethane sheath, about
the same length as the male condom, only wider. A plastic ring at
the closed end helps keep the condom fixed within the vagina during
sex. A larger ring at the opening stays outside the vagina, spreading
over the woman's external genitalia.
The female condom provides extra protection to men and women because
it covers both the entrance to the vagina and the base of the penis,
both of which are areas where STD sores make it easy for HIV to
enter. Female condoms should only be used once and do not require
a prescription. However, they are more expensive than male condoms
and not as easily acceptable or accessible. Because the external
ring is visible outside the vagina, using a female condom might
require the agreement of both partners. However, because it can
be inserted hours before intercourse, it can provide protection
in situations where consumption of alcohol or drugs may reduce the
chances that a male condom will be used. Less is known by the public
about the female condom than about the male condom, and use of the
female condom is less widespread. Therefore, there needs to be education
for both health care workers and women in general.
The condom is inserted with the finger, making sure no damage is
done to the polyurethane by finger nails or other sharp objects.
The condom should then fit snugly against the cervix. During intercourse,
it is necessary to guide the penis in or check that the penis has
entered the condom and not entered the vagina outside the condom
wall. The condom should be removed as soon possible after male ejaculation,
and disposed of in the same ways as the male condom.
Other barrier methods
Other barrier methods exist to help reduce the sexual transmission
of HIV, but these are less reliable, and often not as readily available.
The female diaphragm prevents semen from entering the cervix. However,
it does not protect the vagina or the external genitalia from exposure
to HIV. Special mouth condoms are available for oral sex. However,
these are not readily available and are rarely used. Scientists
are working on a vaginal cream that would kill the HIV virus, but
it is not yet available.
• Blood transfusions
There is a 90-95%
chance that someone receiving blood from an HIV infected donor will
become infected with HIV themselves. Millions of lives are saved
each year through blood transfusions, even in countries where a
safe blood supply is not guaranteed. However, recipients of blood
have an increased risk of HIV-infection. This risk can be virtually
prevented by a safe blood supply, and by using blood transfusions
appropriately. Difficulties hindering a safe blood supply include:
lack of national blood policy and plan
lack of an organized blood transfusion service
lack of safe donors or the presence of unsafe donors
lack of blood screening, and
unnecessary or inappropriate use of blood. |
• Minimizing the risk
of HIV infected blood transfusions
In many countries,
regulations on blood donations, screening and transfusions exist,
but are not adhered to. It is vitally important that regulations
be established and rigorously enforced.
essential elements must be in place to ensure a safe blood supply:
There must be a national blood transfusion service run on non-profit
lines which is answerable to the Ministry of Health.
2. Wherever possible, there should be a policy of excluding
all paid or professional donors, but at the same time, encouraging
voluntary (non-paid) donors to come back regularly. People are
suitable donors only if they are considered to have a low risk
of infection.
3. All donated blood must be screened for HIV, as well as for
hepatitis B and syphilis (and hepatitis C where possible). In
addition, both donors and patients must be aware that blood
should be used only for necessary transfusions. |
The majority of tests done for detection of HIV detect the presence
of antibodies to HIV, not the virus (Fact Sheet 1). However, there
is a window period (with the most sensitive tests about 3 weeks,
and longer with less sensitive tests) when the test may provide
a false negative result and the blood be infected with HIV. Tests
also exist (called HIV antigen tests), that detect the virus in
the blood, but these are more expensive and of limited value. In
many countries, correct screening of blood is still applied to some
but not all blood donations. For example, in many developing countries,
blood is screened in the capital city, and perhaps in one or two
other larger towns, but not screened in rural districts. Lack of
screening is most often due to lack of funding, and it is expensive
to set up a national system to test all donated blood. Good organization,
planning, and management are necessary, as well as trained staff
at all levels and the availability of test kits.
Selecting blood donors
Paid donors very often come from the poorest sectors of society.
They may be in poor health, undernourished and at risk of having
infections that can be passed on through transfusions. In some places,
paid donors sell blood in order to buy drugs to inject themselves,
often using shared, unsterile equipment. In addition, paid donors
are more likely to give blood too frequently, making their blood
substandard, and increasing the possibility of damage to their own
health. The practice of paying donors usually goes hand-in-hand
with the practice of selling blood to people who need it. Under
such a system, poor families may not be able to afford vitally needed
Replacement donors have also been found to be problematic. In the
replacement donor system, families of people needing a transfusion
are asked to donate the same quantity as that given to their relation.
This blood may be used directly for the relative, or placed in the
general pool. This practice is strongly discouraged because the
"relation" is often a paid donor, and even if the person is a relative,
there are doubts about the safety of the blood, as normal criteria
for selecting donors cannot be applied.
Therefore, the safest type of blood donor is the voluntary, unpaid
donor. Such donors give their blood for humanitarian reasons and
are more likely to meet national criteria for low-risk donors. Every
effort should be made to educate, motivate, recruit and retain low-risk,
unpaid donors.
Avoiding unnecessary or inappropriate transfusions
Unnecessary transfusions increase the risk of transmitting HIV,
especially in places where there is no adequate screening programme.
Additionally, unnecessary or inappropriate transfusions can create
a shortage of the blood supply, which in turn encourages professional
donors to become more active, thus reducing the safety of the supply.
Doctors and other health care workers should be educated to avoid
prescribing inappropriate transfusions. Blood substitutes should
be given where appropriate. In addition the underlying cause for
the blood transfusion should be considered. For example, blood transfusions
are often given for anaemia. Instead, the underlying cause of the
anaemia should be investigated. Anaemia may be due to malnutrition,
slow blood loss, and to infections such as malaria. Blood is often
needed during complications accompanying childbirth. However, providing
proper care for women before, during and after delivery, can decrease
the need for blood transfusions.
Creating a national blood transfusion service
A national blood transfusion service means making all transfusion
centres and blood banks part of a national network accountable to
a government appointed nonprofit organization. This service must
be developed within the framework of the country's health service,
and must have an adequate budget and trained staff. There must be
a national system of regulations, and regular, independent monitoring
of the blood transfusion service. There is no guarantee that blood
can be 100% free of HIV, however, with political commitment, good
organization, sufficient funding and donation of blood from low-risk,
voluntary, non-paid donors, the risks can be reduced to a minimum.
Body organs and tissue transplantation
HIV transmission can also occur through transplantation of body
tissue or organs from an HIV-infected donor. This body tissue should
follow the same screening programme as blood.
• Injecting drug users
and other skin piercing practices
This Fact Sheet focuses on HIV
prevention in injecting drug users (IDUs). Prevention of HIV infection
through other skin piercing such as accidents at work, surgical interventions,
tattooing, female and male circumcision, and scarification have been
described earlier (see Fact Sheet 11 Universal Precautions).
Injecting drug users
HIV can spread very rapidly among IDUs, and from them to their sex
partners and children. However, this spread can be prevented or slowed
significantly if interventions are designed which take into account
specific local characteristics of the IDUs. IDUs are usually a hidden
and stigmatized group, because their drug-usage behaviour is illegal.
Often caught in a cycle of poverty and faced with the cost of the
drugs, IDUs often engage in criminal activities such as theft, and
in high risk behaviours for HIV infection such as commercial sex work
and paid blood donation. To date, the only effective responses to
HIV transmission among IDUs to date are those based on the philosophy
of harm reduction. Harm reduction is compatible with proven public
health principles, and need not conflict with demand and supply reduction
(law enforcement) programs. Harm reduction programs approach drug
abuse primarily as a public health rather than a law and order issue.
Such programs take into account:
Promoting use of sterile equipment
The most common pathway for HIV transmission among IDUs is the sharing
of non-sterile injecting equipment. Scarcity, or lack of access to
safe injecting equipment, and legal sanctions against possessing injecting
equipment, are the two main reasons for reusing or sharing needles
and syringes. Other reasons include ignorance of the risks of HIV
infection and prevention methods.
two strategies that have proven effective are:
the sale of needles and syringes at minimum prices through
pharmacies or other outlets,
needle and syringe exchange programs.
exchange programs ensure that dirty syringes and needles are exchanged
for sterile ones. In addition, if community acceptance of these
programs is to occur, then needles and syringes must be safely and
discretely disposed of after use, and must not pose a threat to
the non-IDU community. Ball (1998) recommends a hierarchy of
decision making related to the prevention of HIV through intravenous
drug use:
reducing the frequency of sharing, and the number of sharing
cleaning injecting equipment with bleach,
not sharing injecting equipment,
using sterile needles and syringes, and not sharing other equipment,
changing from the injection of illicit drugs to use of non-injecting
reducing the frequency of non-injecting drug use, and
abstaining from all drug use. |
This hierarchy
of decision-making can be a useful framework to consider HIV prevention
programmes. However, it should be noted that people do not fall
neatly into any one of these categories. For example, a person may
regularly engage in a needle and syringe exchange program, but,
because of unforeseen circumstances, finds him/herself sharing used
injecting equipment. This hierarchy also assumes that there is collaboration
between the principles of public health (i.e.. Safe injection practices)
and law enforcement. This is often not the case. In order for DU
HIV prevention programs to be effective, national and local policies
must achieve a balance between their attempts to reduce the supply
and use of illicit drugs and their efforts to decrease unsafe injection
The principles of harm reduction that have been proven effective
in reducing HIV transmission in IDUs include:
education, especially peer education (Fact Sheet 9) and consoling
(Fact Sheet 7);
promotion of the use of sterile injecting equipment for every
injection; increasing the availability of equipment; removing
barriers that prevent access to the use of sterile equipment
(especially policing and legal barriers);
increasing drug treatment availability, accessibility and options;
increasing access to primary health care, particularly through
services designed to be "friendly" to, and appropriate for,
the DU community;
research and education performed in collaboration with the affected
community. |
• Other mood altering
It is important
to note that although DU carries the greatest risk of HIV transmission,
taking other mood altering drugs can also promote at risk behaviours.
Alcohol, and other legal and illegal drugs taken orally or as an
inhalant can affect a person's decision making abilities. In such
circumstances, the use of condoms is less likely, and other behaviours
and sexual practices that increase the risk of transmission of HIV/AIDS
might occur.
• Populations at risk
The vast majority
of people who become infected with HIV are from vulnerable segments
of the population. Children and youth (including street youth),
women (Fact Sheet 10), prisoners, refugees, migrant workers, ethnic
minorities, the military and people who live in poverty are some
of the most vulnerable populations.
Over 50% of new infections with HIV are now occurring in young people
ages 10-24. That is, 7,000 young people are infected with HIV every
day with young women being infected and affected more frequently
than young men (Fact Sheet 10).
The reasons for these alarming figures are very complex. The life
situations of many young people may contribute to infection. They
may be gay or bisexual youth, use alcohol or drugs, have been sexually
abused, or live on the margins of society. Many live on the streets,
where violence, abuse, and drug use (particularly intravenous drug
use) are common. In addition, young people often feel invincible,
and do not consider themselves to be at risk for HIV or any other
life threatening situations.
Women are particularly vulnerable to HIV because of their status
in many societies. Poverty, lack of education, poor access to health
care and jobs, and social and cultural practices all contribute
to women's lack of power and control over decision making (see Fact
Sheet 10).
Mother to child transmission accounts for most HIV infections in
infants (Fact Sheet 10).
Prisoners are often injecting drug users before they enter prison.
They continue (or begin) this practice while in prison, often with
shared, unsterilized needles and syringes. In addition, they may
have unprotected penetrative sex with other men, and may be tattooed
with shared, unsterilized equipment.
Refugees and migrant workers
Poverty, drought, flood, earthquakes, and war or civil strife cause
many people to leave their homes and communities. These people end
up in special camps where there is increased danger of HIV transmission.
Blood transfusions are often required in large numbers, especially
during times of war. Social systems and ties disintegrate and unprotected
sexual contact and prostitution is common. Refugees, particularly
women and children, are highly vulnerable to sexual violence, rape
and drug trafficking. Where drug injecting occurred before the emergency,
it is likely to continue in the camps where the sharing of injecting
equipment increases the risk of HIV infection.
Military personnel
People in the military (mostly men) are separated from their homes,
communities and social support networks and are often placed in
positions where they can exert considerable control over others.
This situation often leads to violence and abuse (physical and sexual)
of the people they are charged with protecting. In such circumstances,
HIV transmission is common.
Ethnic minorities
Like women, youth and children, people who are part of a visible
minority are particularly at risk of HIV infection. These people
often have limited social support, live on the margins of society,
are poor, less educated, with little or no political representation.
Such people have limited power or control, and are vulnerable to
abuse, violence, and sexual exploitation. In addition, injecting
drug use is common, often involving the use of unsterile, shared
Poverty is the single common factor related to the transmission
of HIV. People who are economically deprived usually have little
access to education, social and health care services, and other
forms of social and financial support. As a result, these people
are often forced into becoming sex workers or in exchanging sex
for food and supplies. Drug trafficking and injecting drugs with
shared, unsterile equipment is also common. Also, poverty often
leads people to sell their blood for transfusion, blood which can
be infected with HIV.
• Principles and strategies
for prevention
Prevention programs
have to take into account strategies that must be addressed at the
macro (national/regional) level, and those requiring change at the
micro (community) level. At the macro level, public health policies
and law enforcement must focus on harm reduction. National and local
policies must be developed and enforced that promote the reduction
in HIV transmission. Where there is potential for law enforcement
and public health policy to conflict (for example, prevention programs
for IDUs), then partnerships must be forged to overcome these difficulties.
At the micro level, the behavioural, social and cultural context
within which people live must be taken into account. Strategies
to promote the prevention of HIV transmission include:
Peer support and education
It has been widely documented that behavioural change is most likely
to occur if peers educate and support each other (see Fact Sheet
9). Youth programs that are run by youth, women's collectives, groups
involving street children, refugees, and IDUs, are all effective
in promoting practices and behaviours that lead to reduction in
HIV transmission. Frank discussions about sexual practices, drug
taking, and other at risk behaviours are more likely to be explored
and understood within these safe environments. It is important to
note that these groups should be run by and for their particular
populations. There are many powerful examples throughout the world
of peer involvement in prevention strategies. Nurses and midwives
can play an important role in facilitating the formation of these
groups and providing expert knowledge where necessary. See fact
sheet 9 for effective educational strategies.
Involving PLHA
People living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) are often the best advocates
and activists for social and behavioural change. The personal story
of someone living with HIV presents a powerful message. These messages
can mobilize people and resources, and thus initiate successful
prevention programmes. In addition, involving PLHAs in various prevention
programs helps to ensure that they are relevant and meaningful to
the different population groups.
Combining resources
The combination of counselling, education, support, care services,
and resources is necessary to provide a holistic continuum of prevention
and care (Fact Sheet 3). For example, STD, antenatal, family planning,
home care, hospital care, and community care, as well as other resources
and services, can be combined to provide a comprehensive programme.
In this way, programmes and services can be combined that address
the various modes of HIV transmission without the stigma and discrimination
often associated with HIV specific programs.
Forging partnerships
Governments, policy makers, law enforcement agencies, health and
social service agency personnel, non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), religious leaders and religious groups should join together
in preventing HIV transmission. Nurses and midwives can play a central
role in advocating for, and creating and participating in, such
Cultural/religious/social sensitivity
There is no one programme that will be relevant, meaningful, and
effective for all people. Prevention programmes must be sensitive
to the local customs, cultural practices, religious beliefs and
values, as well as to other traditional norms and practices. However,
where such beliefs, values and practices conflict with the prevention
of HIV (eg. circumcision, scarification, sexual abuse of children),
then these must be challenged. Nurses/midwives can play an important
role in supporting local practices and traditions while also challenging
those practices that cause HIV transmission.
Facilitating empowerment
Involving individuals, groups, and communities in addressing their
own health concerns and finding solutions to their problems promotes
empowerment. People who are empowered are more likely to implement
effective HIV prevention programs.
Challenging denial
HIV is surrounded by a conspiracy of silence and denial. People
are afraid to be tested for HIV or admit their HIV status because
they fear discrimination, violence, stigma and isolation (Fact Sheet
6). Nurses and midwives can help support and counsel people to be
HIV tested (Fact Sheet 7) and to be open about their HIV status.
Only when HIV becomes a public concern can prevention strategies
that address the complex and diverse issues related to HIV transmission
be addressed.
Combating stigma, isolation and marginalization
Nurses and midwives have a responsibility to care for all people,
regardless of their health or social status (Fact Sheet 6). They
can act as role models to others in helping combat stigma, discrimination
and isolation of PLHA. Prevention strategies will be more successful
if HIV is treated like any other chronic illness.
Ensuring the use of Universal Precautions
Nurses and midwives should play a central role in monitoring and
ensuring that universal precautions are practiced in their workplace
(Fact Sheet 11). Maintaining quality assurance programs and ensuring
the availability of adequate supplies and human resources help promote
a safe work environment. In addition, adequate care for the care
provider is an important consideration.
Building on success
Many groups, communities and individuals have been successful in
improving their quality of life. The strategies they developed for
this improvement can also be applied to prevention programs. For
example, if communities have been successful in lobbying for improved
housing, these same lobbying tactics can be applied to HIV prevention
programs. In addition, people can learn from one another. Stories
of successful HIV prevention programs throughout the world should
be shared with others so that they too may initiate similar programs.
Respect for human rights
Nurses/midwives should advocate for vulnerable populations to ensure
that their human rights are respected and not violated (Fact Sheet
6). Prevention programs will only succeed where human rights are
respected and maintained.